Explore, showcase and monetize your audience

UserReport Premium gives power back to the publisher


Validate audiences and make your media shine

Kits gives you insights on which parts of your media attracts who and makes it easy to show advertisers which media and sections are relevant to them and what they can expect if running a campaign in your network.

Cross media. Cross device.

Kits were built with speed and flexibility in mind. A huge audience panel – aiding your own data – and award-winning technology, ensure that you can validate your audience across any number of media, websites and apps in real-time with reliable, certified results.

Sell audiences. Not media.

The true power of Kits lies in the ability to define a specific audience based on socio demographics – like gender, age and income – and instantly see which of your media excel at reaching that audience. That means you can start focusing on delivering the thing advertisers wants the most – audiences.

Showcase. Impress.

Kits were built to make your media look their best. With UserReport Premium you can create as many Kits as you want and customize each and every one of them to fit your brand or the Advertisers’. Created kits can be easily shared and viewed and look good on any device.

Ready to get started with Kits?

Start boosting your inventory value today


Measure campaigns running on your media

Being able to showcase what kind of audience your media attracts is great – but showing the advertiser that their campaign actually reached that audience is even better. With the integration between UserReport and AudienceReport, you finally can.

Validate and optimize

Through AudienceReport – an award-winning campaign measurement tool – you can track and continuously optimize campaigns, running on your media. You can finally show advertisers that your media are in fact as precise and effective as you claim they are!

Build trust with advertisers

Because you’re able to validate that the advertiser’s campaign actually reaches the audience your promised it would, they’ll soon turn into loyal customers who keep coming back. We guarantee it.

Add value. Reduce waste.

Exposing a campaign to the relevant people means less waste of impressions and a more effective media budget. Not only does it mean you can book more campaigns, you can also charge a higher price for your inventory. It’s a win-win.

Start validating campaigns

Show advertisers that you can deliver


Build audience segments and make the most of your data

Turn your own UserReport data into custom audience segments. No matter if you’re good at reaching dog lovers, sports fanatics or gamers, those insights will raise the price of your inventory. Here’s how:

Include segments in Kits

Adding custom segments to your Kits will show advertisers what makes your audience stand out from the crowd. E.g. you could document that Website X combined with Website Y are able to deliver 90% sports fans.

Use segments for campaign validation

Through AudienceReport, custom segments can be validated when you’re measuring campaigns running on your media. That means if Nike were to run a campaign for their latest tennis shoes on your media, you’d be able to document that the campaign actually reached people who play tennis.

Use segments for targeting

Your segments can be used for direct targeting2 in campaigns running on your media. That will create more effective campaigns, with less waste of impressions. This has some huge benefits for all parts. Users will see relevant ads, advertisers get better value for money, and you’ll have room to book more campaigns at a higher inventory price. It’s a win-win.

Start building your data ecosystem today

Show advertisers how you stand out from the crowd

You're in good company

Driving smart publishers forward